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holiday overtime
节假日加班  detail>>
 n.  1.超时;加班,额外工作时间;额外劳动。 2.加班费。 3.【体育】(为决定胜负的)比赛延长时间。  短语和例子&nbs...  detail>>
be on holiday
在度假 正在休假  detail>>
for a holiday
度假  detail>>
 n.  1.节日,假日,休息日。 2.〔英 pl.〕休假。 3.〔古语〕圣日(= holy day)。  短语和例子 ...  detail>>
on holiday
表在渡假 休假,度假 在度假 在休假中  detail>>
the holiday
恋爱假期 休闲时光  detail>>
charge for overtime
加班费  detail>>
charges for overtime
加班费  detail>>
clock overtime
超额工时的工资  detail>>
excessive overtime
过量加班  detail>>
including overtime
包括加班费  detail>>
less overtime
减少加班时间  detail>>
monthly overtime
每月超时  detail>>
no overtime work
秘书文员  detail>>
normal overtime
正常加班  detail>>
ot overtime
(有限)公司  detail>>
overtime allowance
加班费 加班津贴 逾时工作津贴  detail>>